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Information Point in Chiavica del Moro

A nature casket along the lower course of Mincio

46037 Chiavica del Moro (MN) | View on Map
Municipality: Roncoferraro  Region: Lombardia


In order to enhance the small wetland of community interest of Chiavica del Moro, consisting of an oxbow of the left bank of river Mincio, between Formigosa and Barbasso the Park has mounted some didactic panels inside a small building (the former hydraulic control booth) facing the oxbow. If you come from Mantua and along Ostigliese, you will reach the building of Chiavica del Moro by taking on the left, before Barbasso, the road Cadorna and by going ahead, beyond Canal Bianco, on the dirt road running along the small building.

Opening times: Open only by previous booking for schools and researchers.

Measure carried out with funds of Regione Lombardia, within the project "Terre del Mincio - 5 chiavi per interpretare, fruire, capire la biodiversità".

Directions: if you come from Mantua, from Strada Ostigliese before Pontemerlano di Roncoferraro take Strada Cadorna and follow it (beyond the channel) until you reach the crossroads with Strada Riviera Mincio (Formigosa, Mantua). From bank road Riviera Mincio, going ahead on the left you will reach the former hydraulic booth, while if you turn right, towards Formigosa di Mantova, you will see the wetland from above.

Information Point in Chiavica del Moro
Information Point in Chiavica del Moro
Information Point in Chiavica del Moro
Information Point in Chiavica del Moro
Information Point in Chiavica del Moro
Information Point in Chiavica del Moro
Chiavica del Moro
Chiavica del Moro
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