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Mantova-Governolo (Lower Mincio - Po)

A fascinating journey along the Mincio river banks

By bike         Great Interest: Panorama Great Interest: Hystory 

The cycle-tourist path winds within the Mincio Park, it mainly develops on the river banks (along the shores of the lakes near the towns, along the lower Mincio course, through the Vallazza nature reserve), on the cycle lanes and on some short stretches of ordinary roads. It does not have particular difficulties: it is flat with limited differences in height. The bottom is mainly asphalted, with stretches of dirt road and with few shadowy areas in the extra-urban stretches. Be careful while crossing some particularly busy roads and in some urban trails. 

Land between Mincio and Po along the way
Land between Mincio and Po along the way
(photo by: Parco del Mincio)

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