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Fiume Mincio - Nautical Tourist Map

50 thousand copies in Italian, English, German, French
free of charge

  • Where you can find it: Tourist Information Point in piazza Mantegna, Gonzaga Point in Piazza Erbe, Park Center Bertone, Park Center Rivalta. Moreover, it will be handed out to the Local Tourist Boards along the river and on the shores of Garda Lake.
  • Distribution: the first issue on the national territory will be dedicated to hikers. As a matter of fact, the map will be attached to the October issue of the magazine "La Rivista del Trekking", Clementi Editore - Genova, issue sent to 4,800 subscribers. The map will be issued in Mantua in Festivaletteratura, afterwards there will be presentations during specialized fairs.
Edited by:
REGIONE LOMBARDIA, Turismo (70% of the finacing with the funds L.R. Interventi diretti per la promozione del turismo regionale)
Parco del Mincio, the Authority coordinating and co-financing the project
Provincial Administration, Tourism, co-financing Authority
Municipality of Mantova, promotion of the town, co-financing authority
Former Apt, co-financing authority
Published by: Iniziative Speciali De Agostini, Novara
Printed by: Officine Grafiche Novara
Photos: PhART
Texts: Parco del Mincio, Federico Biffi
Technical contributions and collaborations: Ufficio Tecnico Parco del Mincio; Unità Operativa "Vie Navigabili" Regione Lombardia; Azienda Regionale Porti Mn e Cr; Servizio Trasporti Provincia di Mantova.
  • Price: free

Notes: Where you can find it: Tourist Information Point in piazza Mantegna, Gonzaga Point in Piazza Erbe, Park Center Bertone, Park Center Rivalta. Moreover, it will be handed out to the Local Tourist Boards along the river and on the shores of Garda Lake.
Distribution: the first issue on the national territory will be dedicated to hikers. As a matter of fact, the map will be attached to the October issue of the magazine "La Rivista del Trekking", Clementi Editore - Genova, issue sent to 4,800 subscribers. The map will be issued in Mantua in Festivaletteratura, afterwards there will be presentations during specialized fairs.

Fiume Mincio - Nautical Tourist Map
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