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I quaderni del Parco del Mincio - 3rd volume

Third volume of the series "I Quaderni del Parco del Mincio", it describes the different species of nesting herons, the migratory species spending the winter in the territory of Mincio Park.
The third volume of the series "I Quaderni del Parco" (the first two are 'Piante acquantiche' and 'Alberi') published by Mincio Park, describes, among the several aquatic birds present in the territory of Mincio Park, the different species of herons. The publication, having informative and didactic aims, can be easily understood and used by the visitors of the Park, and becomes a useful instrument for improving the knowledge of nature. The structure of the volume, a 64-page book, size 15x21, is made of cards with descriptive text completed by color tables. In nine cards (completed by drawings also describing hunting attitudes and techniques) other species are described: Gray heron, Purple heron, Night heron, Little egret, Squacco heron, Cattle egret, Little bittern, Great white egret, Bittern present in the wetlands in the Park's territory. The publication is completed by a glossary and it opens with a detailed description of the general features of the hygrophites. In different tables, the nesting environments and the flying herons are represented. Short chapters deal with their nourishment.
  • Series: I quaderni del Parco del Mincio - 3° vol.
  • Author/s: Parco del Mincio, Giorgio Persico, Cesare Martignoni
  • Publisher: Parco del Mincio
  • Pages: 64
  • Size: 15x21cm
  • Year: 2002
  • Price: 6.00 €  
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Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
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