Parco del Mincio
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Il Parco del Mincio compie trent'anni: sei lustri di capitale ambientale per tutti e di tutti

The Mincio Park was established in September 1984 with a Law of the Lombardy Region. Since it was born (thanks to a committee of the mayors chaired by the former mayor of Rodigo, Renzo Regattueri) until today there have been many safeguard, upgrade and promotion actions for the territory. The Park Authority summarizes them in a notebook entitled "Il Parco del Mincio compie trent'anni: sei lustri di capitale ambientale per tutti e di tutti" (Mincio Park's 30th anniversary: 30 years of environmental heritage, for everybody and belonging to everybody), which summarizes the main projects realized in the territory of the 13 municipalities composing the Mincio Park regional institution.
  • Year: 2014

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Il Parco del Mincio compie trent\'anni: sei lustri di capitale ambientale per tutti e di tutti
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