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Infopoint Terre del Mincio: Mincio Park didactic tourist office

Piazza Porta Giulia
46100 Mantua (MN) | View on Map
Municipality: Mantova  Region: Lombardia

Tel. 0376/228320

The Mincio park, leading authority of the Terre del Mincio promotion project, is equipped with an information desk for groups (adults and schools) that would like to carry out guided visits to the particular natural environments situated between Garda and Po. The didactic tourist office of the park authority collaborates with the environmental guides carrying out detailed guided visits (by foot or by boat) to the many nature oases characterizing the Mincio river and Garda's moraine hills, to the periurban park of Mantua and to the different thematic itineraries (Arcehomincio, Mincio and War) developing over the territory and that are described in this web portal.

Infopoint Terre del Mincio: Mincio Park's didactic tourist office
Infopoint Terre del Mincio: Mincio Park's didactic tourist office
Infopoint Terre del Mincio: Mincio Park's didactic tourist office
Infopoint Terre del Mincio: Mincio Park's didactic tourist office
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Piazza Porta Giulia, 10 - 46100 Mantova (MN)
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