Parco del Mincio
Tourists in the Park, between biodiversity, history, art and welcome
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Travel proposals

Nature in the Capital of Culture, the Valli del Mincio EDEN, the cycle paths and the Mincio-Delta tours
Tourist destinations to Italy and Europe

A contribution to the territorial enhancement, an economic boost for tens of operators, a significant action of tourist incoming: with these goals, the Mincio Park Authority promotes the tourist packages having "Parco del Mincio and Terre del Mincio" as destination. They have been developed by a group composed by tour operators and travel agencies spreading them both in Italy and abroad.

The package typologies include different thematic fields: "Mantua as Italian Capital of Culture 2016", Valli del Mincio EDEN destination of excellence, nature, gastronomy, special for families and a photographic hunt. Solutions providing one to three overnight stays and including a one-week tour between Mantua and Ferrara as well. Journeys across the territory that sometimes also speak english, and that are similar to individual and group unique experiences offering the opportunity to live original experiences able to create a unique connection between guests and the territory welcoming them. Choose your favorite proposal and come visit Mantua and the Mincio Park protected area.

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Package typologies
Mantua Capital of Culture 2016 Nature Bike
Gastronomy Eden destination Other
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