Parco del Mincio
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Nature Oasis

Terre del Mincio keep many and significant caskets of biodiversity, unique habitats created by the harmonious union between the plain and the river waters, inhabited by rare, endangered or protected plant and animal species. There are two Nature Reserves and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the Natura 2000 Network: The wetlands of the Mincio Valleys and Mantua lakes, and the "Vallazza". A third reserve situated outside the Park's borders but managed by the Park authority is "Castellaro Lagusello". An other Natura 2000 site is "Chiavica del Moro". The "Valli del Mincio" and "Vallazza" nature reserves are classified as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) because of the presence of fauna and flora of community importance. The Mincio valleys are also classified as EDEN (European Destinations of ExcelleNce) tourist destinations of excellence (runner up 2009).

"Grand tour" of the valleys
"Grand tour" of the valleys
By bike or by boat in the EDEN
Departure: Soave
On foot By bike Boat 
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Religion Great interest: History 
From Fontana wood to Mantua’s lakes - A green corridor for biodiversity
On foot 
On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 
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