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Borgo Virgilio

The lands of the greatest latin poet and of the forts

Following a referendum, since 2014 it has been implemented the fusion between the municipality of Virgilio, situated along the Mincio river, and that of Borgoforte, situated along the Po river. With the same referendum the citizens chose the new name: Borgo Virgilio.


It was named in 1884 after the famous latin poet who was born in Andes/Pietole (previously it was called Quattroville, and it included Cerese, Pietole, Bellaguarda and Olmazzo).


Borgoforte was founded in 1216 to meet the need to place a defensive barrier against the armed raids of the people from Ferrara, Reggio Emilia and Modena.

  • From Mantua: km 26 (Virgilio) - km 20 (Pietole)
  • Info: Ph. +39 0376/28301 - Fax +39 0376/280368

Province: Mantova Region: Lombardy | View on map
Official Website s://

Borgo Virgilio
Corte Virgiliana, Borgo Virgilio
Borgo Virgilio
Central stronghold (or Magnagutti), view of the external moat
Borgo Virgilio
Fortress of Pietole, entrance from Pietole
Where to sleep in:
Borgo Virgilio, Cerese, Pietole, Virgilio
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