Parco del Mincio
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Il Mincio e la sua Valle

Atlas between nature and agriculture

This publication describes the geomorphological and soil features of Mincio Park, River Agricultural Park, and analyzes its landscape (both natural features and the evolution of the settlements). In the second part of the volume, the focus on "agriculture and sustainability" is particularly important: it deals with the local products, the measures of PSA (agriculture special project), and the thematic projects and routes implemented in 12 agricultural holdings.
Free distribution in the Park Offices (no shipping).
  • Author/s: L. Previdi, G. Marini (Parco del Mincio)
  • Publisher: Parco del Mincio
  • Pages: 128
  • Size: 15x21cm
  • Year: 2008
  • Price: free

Notes: Layout: Publi Paolini; cartography: S. Massari, M. Ugolini
It can be required free of charge with the purchase of one of the following Park publications:
- I quaderni del Parco del Mincio - aironi
- I quaderni del Parco del Mincio - alberi
- I quaderni del Parco del Mincio - anatre, oche e cigni
- I quaderni del Parco del Mincio - piante acquatiche

Il Mincio e la sua Valle
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