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The Carolingian Route

The Mantua stretch of Charlemagne's travel from Aachen to Rome

By bike         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Wildlife Great Interest: Hystory 
  • Departure: Cavriana (Cavriana)
  • Arrival: Massimbona
  • Involved Municipalities: Cavriana, Volta Mantovana

From Cavriana to Massimbona (northwest to southeast) a long and fascinating itinerary winds on roads and paths, crossing or bordering villages and small hamlets. This stretch of the famous Carolingian route crosses the moraine amphitheatre south of Lake Garda, in the territory of Volta Mantovana. The itinerary conveys the emotion of an ancient pilgrimage or of an epic medieval journey, following the Frankish kings as they descended from the alpine passes towards the heart of Italy.

The Carolingian Route
The Carolingian Route
(photo by: Archivio Parco Mincio)

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